Northern Institute of Technology Management

double degree mba technology management
THE UNIQUE COMBINATION The Northern Institute of Technology Management (NIT) offers a double degree program taught in English. Unique to Europe, this post graduate program invites excellent and highly talented students from all over the world to complete a Master of Science in Engineering and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Technology Management within a two year period. Students with less than two years of work experience may earn a Master in Technology Management (MTM). Especially attractive: most of the tuition fees and the rent for the on-campus NIT apartments are covered by scholarships by sponsors, supporters and partners. Our program by both the NIT and the Hamburg University of Technology demands a great deal from its participants. We encourage applications from exceptionally talented students who seek to become responsible leaders. We offer a carefully integrated mix of lectures, presentations, business simulations, small group discussions, and an extraordinary focus on the areas of ethics, communication and foreign languages. Two masters in two years - a truly unique combination! Seit 1998 bietet das Northern Institute of Technology Management (NIT) gemeinsam mit der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg einen englischsprachigen Doppelstudiengang an. Das europaweit einzigartige Programm führt besonders leistungsstarke Studierende aus aller Welt in zwei Jahren zum Master of Science in Ingenieurwissenschaften und zum Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Technology Management. Die Studiengebühren und die Miete für die hauseigenen Apartments im NIT-Gebäude sind durch Stipendien gedeckt. Sie werden von Unternehmen und Stiftungen nach regionalen und fachlichen Präferenzen individuell vergeben.
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